Our next dispatch day is Monday 3rd March, with coffees roasted on Friday 28th February
Flavour notes: Lime, redcurrant, rhubarb, orange, brown sugar
We're really excited to feature this exceptional washed SL14 and SL28 lot from Kiandu in the Nyeri region of Kenya.
We taste lime, redcurrant, rhubarb, orange and brown sugar in the cup.
This is suitable for both espresso and filter coffee.
This lot was grown by a group of smallholder farmers who are all members of the Mutheka Farmers Cooperative Society (FCS) and deliver their coffee to Kiandu Coffee Factory. The facility lies in Kenya's renowned Nyeri County, near the town of Tetu.
Mutheka FCS is a very new organisation that was created in 2004 after the Giant Tetu Coffee Growers Co-Operative Society split. The FCS is located in Nyeri County, east of the Aberdare Ranges and west of Mt. Kenya, and manages seven factories with a total membership of approximately 6,000 small-scale coffee growers. Kiandu Factory has almost 1,900 registered members, making it one of Mutheka's largest. Only a small percentage of Kenyan coffee factories actively deliver coffee in any given year.
Handpicked coffee cherries are sent to the mill the same day, in which they are carefully sorted. Employees from the factory supervise the procedure, and any cherries that are under ripe or damaged will not be accepted. Any unwanted coffee will get sent home, and the grower will have to find a location to dry it, with the coffee being provided only at the end of the season as low-quality 'Mbuni' — natural-process coffee with a low price. Farmer members are rewarded for picking and delivering only the ripest cherries.
Coffee info
Origin: Nyeri, Kenya
Cultivars: SL14, SL28
Washing station: Kiandu
Washing station: Kiandu
Elevation: 1700masl
Process: Washed
Processing details:
Product information
Our coffee bags use eco paper, which can be processed like normal paper. Simply separate the tin tie from the bag, and put both straight into the recycling.
Please see the top of this page for information on when your order will be shipped. We use Royal Mail 48 as standard.
As coffee is a perishable product, we are unable to offer returns.
Partnership coffee
If you'd like to buy this coffee for your business, read more about our partnership options, or get in touch.